UST Training Program Purpose
The purpose of the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Training Program is to protect human health and the environment by preventing future petroleum underground storage tank releases and remediating existing petroleum underground storage tank contamination.
UST Course Description
The UST Class A/B & C Operator Training Courses are self-paced, video-enhanced courses that meet the requirements for environmental compliance of state and federal regulations for an UST Facility Class A/B or C Operator. Depending on your state’s regulations, this material may require additional site-specific training.
There is a 60-question exam at the end of the course. Students are required to pass the evaluation answering a minimum of 75% of the questions correctly. Upon completion of the course, a Class A/B or C UST Operator Certificate can be downloaded.
UST Course Outline
The following topics are covered in this course:
- Introduction to a generic UST facility including the major fuel system components and emergency equipment
- The roles and responsibilities of the Class A, B and C Operators
- Site-specific emergency procedures development
- Emergency contact procedures
- Safety awareness for employees and customers
- Overfill prevention
- Monitoring of the UST facility
- Fire safety and introduction to fire extinguishers
- Alarm panel recognition and response procedures
- Fuel spill containment and cleanup
UST Course Completion Certificate
The Certificate of Course Completion can be downloaded and printed for documentation purposes. In order to obtain the Certificate, you must log into your student account and click the “Certificates” link found adjacent to your course.
The certificate contains a section for the Class C Operator to sign and date, attesting that you have taken the course and passed the examination. The certificate also contains a section for the Class A or B Operator to certify that on-site training has been completed, as required by your state.
The certificate also includes a section to document the facility name, address and facility number for which you have been trained. The certificate must be completed for the certificate to be valid.
Training Requirements
Section 1524 of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 placed new requirements on federal and state governments for underground storage tanks (UST). Among the requirements, each state was to develop an operator training program for all UST owners and/or operators and require each UST Facility have Class A, Class B, and Class C operators.
The 2005 Energy Policy Act requires that all owners and operators of underground storage tanks be trained in relation to their responsibilities for underground storage tanks. The Act specified three levels of operators;
- Class A Operator is the person who has primary responsibility for facility compliance including assuring employment of properly trained personnel, retaining maintenance and fiduciary documentation as well upholding all environmental health and safety standards. One A operator may serve several facilities.
- Class B Operator is the person who has primary responsibility for the operation and maintenance of underground storage tank systems. One B operator may serve several facilities.
- Class C Operator is the daily on-site employee who addresses potential emergencies and alarms.
Reference: Northern Mariana Islands - CNMI Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality - UST Class A/B Operator Training
Northern Mariana Islands has not yet been granted state program approval (SPA).
Retraining Requirements
At least one Class A and one Class B operator for each UST or group of USTs at a facility. Each individual who meets the definition of Class C operator at the UST facility must be designated as a Class C operator. Class C operators must be employees of the UST system owner or operator.
If your certification shall be expiring, as an operator, it is your responsibility to be retrained according to your responsibility for the UST. Voluntary refresher training is encouraged to ensure operator is up-to-date with current regulations and procedures.
References: Northern Mariana Islands - CNMI Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality - UST Class A/B Operator Training
Northern Mariana Islands Administrative Code - Chapter 65-100 Undeground Storage Tank Regulations (PDF)
Regulating Agency
The Northern Mariana Islands - CNMI Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality regulates the installation and operation of STP-regulated storage tank systems and oversees cleanup at sites impacted by eligible leaking tanks to protect Northern Mariana Islands's land and groundwater from contamination.
Agency Link:
UST/LUST/Fund Program
Division of Environmental Quality
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Gualo Rai Center
P.O. Box 501304
Saipan, MP 96950-1304
Phone: (670) 664-8500
Phone: (670) 664-8501
Fax: (670) 664-8540
UST/LUST/Fund Program:
UST Operator Types
If you work at a facility with an underground storage tank (UST), you may need to take operator training based on your job responsibilities.
If you own or manage a facility. with an underground storage tank and are responsible for federal and state compliance for the tank, you will need to take Class A/B operator training.
If you work at a facility, with an underground storage tank and may need to handle emergencies that may happen on site (such as spills, leaks, overflows or fires), you will need to take Class C operator training.
- Class A Operator (Primary Operator)
This is the person who has primary responsibility to operate and maintain the underground storage tank system. For a typical gas station, it is the owner of the station or his designee. For large corporations, this is the manager or designee responsible for tank operations. The class A operator can also be designated as a Class B operator as long as he/she has passed the Class B operator exam.
- Class B Operator (Primary Operator)
This designation is for the individual or individuals who implement day-to-day aspects of operating, maintaining, and record keeping for underground storage tank systems at one or more facilities. For a typical gas station, it is the owner or the person/company contracted by the owner to maintain the tanks. For large corporations, it is the employee, or person/company contracted by the corporation to maintain the tanks. A broad knowledge base is required for a Class A operator, but the Class B operator must have in-depth knowledge of tank system operation and maintenance.
- Class C Operator (Emergency Response Operator)
This is an individual who is responsible for responding to alarms or other indications of emergencies caused by spills, releases, or overfills associated with an underground storage tank system. For a typical gas station, this is the cashier. Though an exam is not required, this person must be trained in responding to releases, alarms, and emergency conditions. Training can be performed by the Class A operators, Class B operators, or third-party vendors. Class C operator training is required to be documented.
Must operators repeat training?
EPA required states specify retraining requirements for designated operators. States have addressed this differently. Some states require periodic refresher training, while others require targeted specific retraining on those areas where a compliance violation is identified. Owners and operators should check with the state where their USTs are located to determine the state’s retraining requirements.
What documentation will owners and operators need to maintain?
Depending on a state’s operator training requirements, legally responsible UST system owners and operators may be required to identify appropriately designated operators, as well as verify training in line with state requirements. Owners and operators should check with the state where their USTs are located for state-specific requirements.
June 2015 - UST Regulations Revised
In June 2015, the EPA issued the 2015 underground storage tank regulation and the 2015 state program approval regulation. The revisions strengthen the 1988 federal underground storage tank (UST) regulations by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment. The revisions will help prevent and detect UST releases, which are a leading source of groundwater contamination. The revisions will also help ensure all USTs in the United States, including those in Indian country, meet the same minimum standards.
Regulations for USTs - Download
Revising Underground Storage Tank Regulations – Revisions to Existing Requirements and New Requirements for Secondary Containment and Operator Training final rule published in the Federal Register (PDF) (119 pp, 1.5MB) on July 15, 2015.
General Changes and Revisions
The 2015 regulation changes certain portions of the 1988 underground storage tank (UST) technical regulation in 40 CFR part 280. The changes establish federal requirements that are similar to key portions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. In addition, EPA added new operation and maintenance requirements and addressed UST systems deferred in the 1988 UST regulation. The changes include:
- Adding secondary containment requirements for new and replaced tanks and piping;
- Adding operator training requirements;
- Adding periodic operation and maintenance requirements for UST systems;
- Adding requirements to ensure UST system compatibility before storing certain biofuel blends;
- Removing past deferrals for emergency generator tanks, airport hydrant systems, and field-constructed tanks;
- Updating codes of practice;
- Making editorial and technical corrections;
State Program Aproval (SPA) Requirements Updated
The 2015 state program approval (SPA) regulation also updates SPA requirements in 40 CFR part 281 and incorporates the changes to the UST technical regulation listed above.
- 38 SPA states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico currently have SPA and have three years to reapply in order to retain their SPA status. Owners and operators in these states must continue to follow their state requirements until the state changes its requirements or until the state’s SPA status changes.
- Owners and operators in 16 non-SPA states and territories must meet the federal requirements according to the schedule in the 2015 UST regulation. In addition, owners and operators will need to follow their state requirements.
- Indian country UST owners and operators must meet the federal requirements according to the schedule in the 2015 UST regulation.