UST Training Resources
The following UST Training resources are designed to provide UST Operators with up-to-date information:
- Federal UST Laws
- State Laws & Agencies
Federal UST Laws and Regulations
- EPA Laws and Regulaitons Website
- 40 CFR Parts 280 and 281 Revising Underground Storage Tank Regulations—Revisions to Existing Requirements and New Requirements for Secondary Containment and Operator Training; Final Rule (PDF 119 pp, 1.5 MB)
On July 15, 2015, the EPA published the 2015 underground storage tank regulation and the 2015 state program approval regulation. The revisions strengthen the 1988 federal underground storage tank (UST) regulations by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment. The revisions will help prevent and detect UST releases, which are a leading source of groundwater contamination. The revisions will also help ensure all USTs in the United States, including those in Indian country, meet the same minimum standards. This is the first major revision to the federal UST regulations since 1988.
Additional Resources
- Comparison of 2015 Revised UST Regulations and 1988 UST Regulations (PDF)(10 pp, 410 K)
- Red Line Strikeout of 40 CFR Part 280 and 40 CFR Part 281 (PDF) (141 pp, 712 K)
- Appendix III Statement Redline (PDF)(1 pg, 24 K)
- New Ownership Change Notification Form (PDF)(1 pg, 55 K)
- Updated Notification Form (PDF) (6 pp, 280 K)
- Regulatory Impact Analysis (PDF)(167 pp, 3 MB)
- Response to Comments Document (PDF)(181 pp, 1 MB)
- Draft version of Musts for USTs (PDF) (40 pp, 2 MB)
- Implementation Time Frames for 2015 Underground Storage Tank Requirements (EPA-510-F-15-001). August 2015.
- UST System Compatibility with Petroleum-Biofuel Blends: A Brief Guide to the 2015 Federal UST Regulations for Owners and Operators of USTs Located on Tribal Lands(EPA-510-F-15-002). August 2015.
- Questions and Answers about the 2015 Underground Storage Tank Regulation
Useful UST Publications
- Title XV, Section B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 amends Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the original legislation that created the underground storage tank (UST) program. The UST provisions of the Energy Policy Act focus on preventing releases and direct EPA to help states comply with new UST requirements.
- Section 1524 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005states that EPA, in coordination with states, must develop training guidelines for three distinct classes of operators who operate and maintain federally regulated underground storage tank systems.
- Revised 2015 US EPA Regulations
- New Draft 2015 Version of Musts for USTs (PDF)
- UST Systems: Inspecting And Maintaining Sumps And Spill Buckets – Practical Help And Checklist
- Automatic Tank Gauging Systems For Release Detection: Reference Manual
- Operation And Maintenance Logos - To promote good UST operation and maintenance.
- Underground Storage Tank Flood Guide
- Introduction To Statistical Inventory Reconciliation For Underground Storage Tanks
- UST Performance Measures (State by state)
- UST Programs on Indian Lands
- Best Management Practices For USTs In Indian Country
- Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO Operator Training Resource Guide (PDF) Excellent compendium of how each state is approaching the operator training initiative.
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State Underground Storage Tank (UST) Agencies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulation and the State Approval Regulation in June 2015.
The States have until October 13, 2018 to apply or reapply for underground storage tank (UST) State Program Approval (SPA).
State | State UST Agency & Regulations |
Alabama |
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) - Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Program administers the UST regulatory guidance to help prevent releases and to require the cleanup of pollution caused by releases from underground storage tanks (USTs). Agency Link: UST Regulation(s):
Alaska |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) - Division of Spill Prevention and Response (SPAR) - Prevention Preparedness and Response Program (PPR) protects public health, safety and the environment by preventing and mitigating the effects of oil and hazardous substance releases and ensuring their cleanup while providing technical and regulatory assistance on regulated UST systems. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Alaska Administrratve Code (AAC) | Title 18 Environmental Conservation | Chapter 78 Underground Storage Tanks | Article 1 Underground Storage Tanks; 18 AAC 78, Article 1 - 18 AAC 78.008. Operator training. |
Arizona |
Arizona’s Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) - Waste Programs Division ensures proper operation and maintenance of regulated underground storage tank systems by conducting periodic inspections and assisting owners and operators in complying with applicable state and federal regulations. Enforcement actions are taken in cases of significant non-compliance. The division also protects public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from underground storage tanks. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Arizona State Legislature | Title 49 The Environment - Chapter 6 Underground Storage Tanks - Article 5 Certification |
Arkansas |
The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) - Regulated Storage Tanks Division (RST) drafts, administers, and enforces state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks, as well as aboveground petroleum storage tanks and is the state's main environmental protection agency, charged with protecting, enhancing, and restoring the environment for Arkansans. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APC & EC) - Regulation No. 12 - Storage Tanks - Chapter 7 Operator Training (Reg. 12.701) (PDF) |
California |
The California Environmental Protection Agency - State Water Resource Control Board (SWCB) - Division of Water Quality - Underground Storage Tank Program is the state's main environmental protection agency, charged with protecting, enhancing, and restoring the environment for California. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Chapter 16, Section 2715(b)- (f) |
Colorado |
The Colorado Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS) - Petroleum Program regulates petroleum storage facilities with USTs (underground storage tanks) that hold 110 gallons or more and ASTs (aboveground storage tanks) that hold between 660 and 40,000 gallons. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) - Underground Storage Tanks - Section 2.3.1 Operator Training (7 CCR 1101-14) (PDF) |
Connecticut |
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance - Storage Tank Enforcement Unit is the agency responsible for regulatory guidance and assistance on UST systems in Connecticut.
Delaware |
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control -
Division of Air & Waste Management - Tank Management Branch underground storage tank (UST) compliance program is responsible for ensuring the safe operation of over 400 federally regulated UST and 150 state regulated UST heating oil facilities in the state. UST systems which are subject to the requirements of the UST compliance program can be found at gas stations, manufacturing facilities, schools, and hospitals UST Regulation(s):
Florida |
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
Georgia |
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Environmental Protection Division - Underground Storage Tank Management Program is designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): |
Hawaii |
The Hawaii Department of Health - Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch - Underground Storage Tank Management Section is designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) 11-281-46 (PDF) |
Idaho |
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality - Waste Management and Remediation Division is designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
Illinois |
The Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) - Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety is designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
Indiana |
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - Office of Land Quality - Underground Storage Tank Section is designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The IDEM mission is to implement federal and state regulations to protect human health and the environment while allowing the environmentally sound operations of industrial, agricultural, commercial and government activities vital to a prosperous economy.. Agency Link: |
Iowa |
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Environmental Services Division - Land Quality Bureau - Underground Storage Tank Section is is responsible for the regulation of underground storage tank systems used for the storage of regulated substances, primarily petroleum products. Staff in the section work with the owners of sites on the detection, prevention and correction of releases of products from underground tanks. Agency Link:
Kansas |
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Bureau of Environmental Remediation - Storage Tank Section is responsible for enforcing federal and state storage tank regulations designed to prevent releases that impact the health and safety of the citizens of the state. Agency Link: |
Kentucky |
The Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection - Division of Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank Branch (USTB) has been designated to provide for the prevention, abatement and control of contaminants from regulated USTs that may threaten human health, safety and the environment. The UST Branch regulates the registration, compliance, closure, inspections and corrective actions of UST systems. Agency Link:
Louisiana |
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Underground Storage Tank and Remediation Division has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: |
Maine |
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection's underground oil storage tank program is responsible for protecting public health and the environment, in particular groundwater, by preventing oil discharges to the greatest extent possible. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Maine Revised Statutes Annotated (MRSA) | Title 38: Waters and Navigation | Chapter 3 Protection and Improvement of Waterrs | Subchapter 2-B: Underground Oil Storage Facilities and Ground Water Protection | Chapter 693: Operator Training for Underground Oil and Hazardous Substance Storage Facilities (DOC) |
Maryland |
The Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) - Waste Management Administration - Oil Control Program (OCP) has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) | Title 26 Department of Environment | Subtitle 10 Oil Pollution and Tank Management | Chapter 16 Trained Facility Operators (PDF) |
Massachusetts |
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations (310 CMR 80.00) (PDF) |
Michigan |
The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) - Bureau of Fire Services - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. This program includes regulatory activities and oversight of the design, construction, installation and maintenance of underground storage tanks storing regulated substances. Agency Link:,4601,7-154-42271_4115_4238---,00.html UST Regulation(s): Michigan Administrative Code - Part 211, Underground Storage Tank Regulations |
Minnesota |
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) - Compliance & Enforcement Section - Tank Compliance & Enforcement Unit - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. UST Regulation(s): Minnesota Adminstrative Rules | Chapter 7150: Underground Storage Tanks Program | Part 0211 Class A, B and C Operator Requirements. |
Mississippi |
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) - Office of Pollution Control - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Mississippi Administrative Code | Title 11: Department of Environmental Quality | Part 5: Underground Storage Tank Regulations - Chapter: 3 Underground Storage Tank Regulations for the Certification of Persons |
Missouri |
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Hazardous Waste Program - Tanks Section - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Missouri Code of State Regulaitons (CSR) | Title 10 Department of Natural Resources | Division 100 - Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund Board of Trustees | Chapter 6 - UST Operator Training (PDF) - 10 CSR 100-6.010 |
Montana |
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Permitting & Compliance Division - Waste & Underground Tank Management Bureau - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
Nebraska |
The Nebraska State Fire Marshal - Fuels Division - Flammable Liquids Storage Tank Section - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: |
Nevada |
The Nevada Department of Conservation & Natural Resources - Division of Environmental Protection (DEP) - Bureau of Corrective Action - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s):
New Hampshire |
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) - Waste Management Division - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The purpose of the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program is to prevent and minimize contamination of the land and waters of the state due to the storage and handling of motor fuels, heating oils, lubricating oils, other petroleum and petroleum contaminated liquids, and hazardous substances. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): New Hampshire Statutes | Chapter 146-C: Underground Storage Facilities - Sections 17-21 |
New Jersey |
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection - Water Compliance & Enforcement - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
New Mexico |
The New Mexico Environment Department - Environmental Protection Division - Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) | Title 20 Envronmental Protection - CHAPTER 5 Petroleum Storage Tanks - PART 18 Operator Training |
New York |
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) - Division of Environmental Remediation - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has developed programs to establish requirements for the safe storage and handling of these materials, inspection programs to verify that these requirements are being met, and enforcement procedures to require that violations be corrected and deter future non-compliance. Agency Link:
North Carolina |
The North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) - Division of Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The UST section ensures compliance with all relevant state and federal laws, policies, rules and regulations by assisting owners and operators in complying with operational standards (leak detection, spill and overfill detection, etc.). Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): North Carolina | NC General Statute 143-215.94 [NN through TT] (PDF) |
North Dakota |
The North Dakota Department of Health (DOH) - Division of Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program works with owners and operators of underground storage tanks to ensure that the compliance, leak detection, new installations, upgrades and tank closures are completed in accordance with North Dakota's Underground Storage Tank Rules. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): North Dakota Administrative Code | Chapter 33-24-08 Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (PDF) |
Ohio |
The Ohio Department of Commerce - Division of State Fire Marshal - Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR) has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Ohio Fire Marshal's Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR) regulates underground storage tanks (USTs) that contain regulated substances. Agency Link:
Oklahoma |
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OOC) - Petroleum Storage Tank Division (PSTD) has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Division enforces state and federal regulations which pertain to the storage, quality, and delivery of refined petroleum products (i.e., gasoline and other fuels). Agency Link:
Oregon |
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Operations Division - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The UST Program handles issues related to tank registration and operating certificates; installation, operation and removal of USTs; cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination from petroleum leaks; training of system operators; financial liability protection for future leaks, licensing of contractors working on USTs and enforcement of state UST rules. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) | Chapter 340 Department of Environmental Quality | Division 150 Underground Storage Tank Rules |
Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - Bureau of Waste Management - Division of Storage Tanks - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The Storage Tank Program protects Pennsylvania's air, land and water from storage tank releases and provide for the health and safety of its citizens. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Pennsylvania Administrative Code | Title 25 Environmental Protection | Chapter 245 Administration of the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Program. | Subchapter A - Section 436 Operator Training (§ 245.436. Operator training) |
Rhode Island |
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) - Office of Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
South Carolina |
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) - Bureau of Land and Waste Management - Underground Storage Tank Program has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
South Dakota |
The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Division of Environmental Services - Groundwater Quality Program - Storage Tanks Section has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. Agency Link:
Tennessee |
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) - Division of Underground Storage Tanks has been designated to protect public health and the environment through oversight, investigation and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination caused by releases from USTs. The mission of the Division of Underground Storage Tanks is to protect human health and environment by preventing future petroleum underground storage tank releases and remediating existing petroleum underground storage tank contamination. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Tennessee Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks - Rule 0400-18-01-.16 Certified Operator Program (PDF) |
Texas |
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) – Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) – State Lead Program is authorized by law to remediate sites where a release from a PST system has occurred. Release incident cases that are eligible for the program generally involve responsible parties (RPs) who are either financially unable or unwilling to conduct the necessary corrective action(s) at Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality strives to protect Texas's public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development. Their goal is clean air, clean water, and the safe management of waste. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): |
Utah |
The Utah State Underground Storage Tank program is a regulatory branch of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Its primary goal is to protect human health and the environment from leaking underground storage tanks (USTs). The UST staff oversees UST notification, installation, inspection, removal, and compliance with State and Federal UST regulations concerning release prevention and remediation. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Utah Administrative Code | R311. Environmental Quality, Environmental Response and Remediation | Rule R311-201. Underground Storage Tanks: Certification Programs and UST Operator Training; |
Vermont |
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) -
Waste Management Division -
Underground Storage Tank Program Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Vermont’s Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Rules | Subchapter 3: Registration (Notification) and Permits - § 8-307. Operator Training Required (PDF) |
Virginia |
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Water Quality Division - Underground Storage Tank Program was created to protect human health and the environment by preventing releases of petroleum and hazardous substances from UST systems and the release of these regulated products into the environment threatens groundwater resources and can cause explosive vapors to seep into confined spaces and occupied dwellings. Agency Link:
Washington |
The Washington State Department of Ecology - Toxics Cleanup Program - Underground Storage Tank/Leaking Underground Storage Tank Section was created to protect human health and the environment by preventing releases of petroleum and hazardous substances from UST systems and the release of these regulated products into the environment threatens groundwater resources and can cause explosive vapors to seep into confined spaces and occupied dwellings. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Washington Administrative Code | Chapter 173-360 WAC - Underground Storage Tank Regulations - Part VII - OPERATOR TRAINING REQUIREMENTS |
Washington DC |
The Washington - District of Columbia (DC) Department of the Environment (DDOE) - Underground Storage Tank (UST) branch’s services protects human health and the environment from the adverse effects of petroleum, petroleum-related products and hazardous materials from USTs in the District of Columbia. This branch is organized into two programs: Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST). Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): District of Columbia Adminstrative Code | Title 20 - District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) (Underground Storage Tank Regulations, Chapters 55-70 |
West Virginia |
The West Virginia Department of Envronmental Protection (WVDEP) - Division of Water & Waste Management - Environmental Enforcement - Underground Storage Tank Section was created to protect human health and the environment by preventing releases of petroleum and hazardous substances from UST systems and the release of these regulated products into the environment threatens groundwater resources and can cause explosive vapors to seep into confined spaces and occupied dwellings. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): West Virginia Administrative Code | Chapter 22. Environmental Resources | Article 17 Underground Storage Tank Act (§22-17-1); |
Wisconsin |
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Division of Air & Waste - Bureau of Remediation and Redevelopment/RR - Underground Storage Tank Program was created to protect human health and the environment by preventing releases of petroleum and hazardous substances from UST systems and the release of these regulated products into the environment threatens groundwater resources and can cause explosive vapors to seep into confined spaces and occupied dwellings. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Wisconsin Administrative Code | Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP) - Chapter 93 Flammable, Combustible and Hazardous Liquids - Subchapter VIII - Training for Operators of Underground Storage Tank Systems |
Wyoming |
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - Water Quality Division - Solid & Hazardous Waste Division - Storage Tank Program (STP) team regulates the installation and operation of STP-regulated storage tank systems and oversees cleanup at sites impacted by eligible leaking tanks to protect Wyoming's land and groundwater from contamination. Agency Link: UST Regulation(s): Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations (WQ) | Chapter 17 Storage Tanks | Section 46. Licensing of Operators of Storage Tanks (PDF) |